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SmoothieDog IMMUNIO smoothie for dogs with beef

  • SmoothieDog IMMUNIO smoothie for dogs with beef

    SmoothieDog IMMUNIO smoothie for dogs with beef and mmune-boosting ingredients 

  • The SmoothieDog variety made from immune-boosting ingredients! Beetroot, apples, raspberries, coconut flakes, turmeric and rose hips provide the immune system with valuable vitamins and minerals. Beef and potatoes provide power. 

    With SmoothieDog IMMUNIO (beef), the SmoothieDog expert team has developed a special recipe to support a dog's immune system and created a dog smoothie for special life situations. In certain phases of life, our dogs need a little support from nature's vegetable, fruit and herb garden. Beef, beetroot and potatoes are ideal for strengthening bones.

    Fresh apples and juicy raspberries make this SmoothieDog dog smoothie wonderfully refreshing for every dog’s palate – from puppies to seniors.

    The combination of three superfoods, coconut flakes , turmeric and rose hips, has an antibacterial effect and provides a real immune boost in everyday dog ​​life. The vitamin C content of rose hips is twice that of citrus fruits. The three superfoods prevent inflammation and can support healing. Sunny St. John's wort brightens up a dog's gloomy mood on dark days. Well prepared for wet days or before and after exertion such as illness or operations or simply because SmoothieDog IMMUNIO tastes so delicious.

    All parts of beef are suitable for feeding a dog. There is a wide range of muscle meat and offal. We are very much in favor of using a whole slaughtered animal. However, we deliberately only use muscle meat in our SmoothieDog dog smoothies. Small bottle - lots of power from the best beef. 

    Coconut is said to have a worm-preventing effect. Coconut contains lauric acid, which has an antimicrobial effect. Regular feeding of coconut creates a skin odor that keeps pests at bay. The fiber it contains also stimulates digestion. 

    Turmeric has been used as a medicinal plant in oriental cuisine for thousands of years. Turmeric is definitely a superfood for dogs! It has an antibacterial effect, purifies the blood, helps with stomach aches and diarrhea, with arthritis and also helps older dogs. 

    The rose hip is an absolute superfood for dogs. Its vitamin C content is twice that of citrus fruits, strengthening the immune system and preventing inflammation. Furthermore, the rose hip has a positive effect on the regeneration of skin, bones and cartilage in dogs. 

    St. John's wort makes dogs happy. Well, at least it has been proven that St. John's wort has a mood-enhancing effect and also stimulates the immune system. A really sunny herb - also for dogs. 

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away... and that goes for the vet too! Apples contain vitamin C and potassium. They lower cholesterol levels and prevent arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and cancer. The pectins contained in apples bind water in the intestines, swell up and help with constipation and diarrhea. Apples also protect inflamed stomach and intestinal mucosa. 

    Potatoes have a high protein content. This makes the tuber the perfect ingredient for SmoothieDog. In addition, potatoes provide your animal friend with many vitamins, minerals, vitamin C, B1, B2, B5, B6, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. 

    Beetroot is considered the perfect vegetable for dogs. Beetroot stimulates the appetite, aids digestion, has an antibacterial effect, is good for strengthening bones, and cleanses the kidneys and urinary tract. Beetroot is always well tolerated by dogs and can be fed in large quantities without any problems. 

    Raspberries are a healthy treat for dogs, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. They support the immune system, aid digestion and contribute to overall health. Fed in moderation, they provide a natural, nutrient-rich addition to your dog's diet 

    The following applies to all SmoothieDog dog smoothies: Only what is written on the label is included. SmoothieDog guarantees a 100% open and transparent declaration of all ingredients used.

    Meat broth made from water and beef (61.9%), beef (23.1%), beetroot (5.7%), potato (6.7%), apple (1%), raspberries (1%), St. John's wort (0.2%), coconut flakes (0.2%), turmeric (0.1%), rose hips (0.1%) 

    Crude protein 4.2%, crude fat 3.4%, crude ash 0.3%, < crude fiber 0.2%, moisture: 90.0% (analyses of natural products are subject to natural fluctuations) 

    Supplementary feed for dogs can be fed as desired as part of a varied and balanced diet. Bottle can be portioned as it is resealable. Store in a cool place after opening and feed within 3 days.
    Tips for using & feeding SmoothieDog:

    • Feed as a healthy snack every now and then
    • Add as a topping to the dry food
    • As a supplement to BARF and wet food
    • For entertainment and to clean the tongue, place on a LickiMat
    • Use as a smelly training snack and fill it into a training roller - for example from Doggyroller
    • Frozen as ice cream – as ice cubes in a drinking bowl or in beautiful ice cream molds
    • Baked as dog biscuits – for example with baking mats from Trixie
    • On the go, in the car, on trips and hikes, offer in a practical travel bowl as refreshment and liquid without the risk of gastric torsion

    Expert tip: Perfectly frozen as dog ice cream or mixed into drinking water as a stimulating addition. Low in calories and easily digestible for every dog.
    SmoothieDog Calorie Table
    The table below gives you an overview of how SmoothieDog covers your dog’s daily energy needs.

    Line: How much body weight does your dog have?
    Column: What type of dog do you have?
    Hover over the correct column and row: In brackets you can see the generally recommended daily calorie intake for your dog. The percentage shows how much of this is provided by a bottle (250ml) of SmoothieDog.

    Body weight             Puppy                      Adult dog                     Active dog                 Senior
    5                              14% (of 563 kcal)    19% (of 416 kcal)        17% (of 448 kcal)      22% (of 360 kcal)
    15                             6% (of 1284 kcal)     8% (of 947 kcal)         8% (of 1020 kcal)     10% (of 820 kcal)
    25                            4% (iš 1884 kcal)       6% (iš 1389 kcal)       5% (iš 1496 kcal)       6% (iš 1202 kcal)
    35                                                              4% (iš 1788 kcal)        4% (iš 1926 kcal)       5% (iš 1548 kcal)
    40                                                              4% (iš 1977 kcal)        4% (iš 2129 kcal)       5% (iš 1711 kcal) 

    Amount: 250 ml